Asthma is a respiratory responses to external stimuli. Symptoms of asthma include cough, tightness, and wheezing. Disease was caused a narrowing of the respiratory tract, caused by the glands in the airway wall that secrete excessive mucus. The good news is this narrowing can heal itself without drugs or with drugs.
Asthma can not be cured, but can be controlled. Thus, people with asthma are able to work or play without limited. Drug use can be minimized, never heavy attack, and no abnormalities. The onset of asthma symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath can be caused by factors that are not specific, such as cold air, pollution, changes in air pressure, psychological factors and fatigue. One way to prevent the onset of asthma by minimizing the causes, including the bedroom. Because the bedroom is often the cause of asthma relapse. Therefore, the bedrooms of asthma sufferers is specifically designed to consider these factors trigger asthma.
Design a bedroom fit for people with asthma is a bedroom that is always in a cool conditions. One way install a high plafond, well equipped with width windows for air circulation in the room can go smoothly. Avoid objects that often become "a den of dust", such as carpets, curtains of thick fabric, dolls, and books. If you want the curtains on the windows, choose a curtain with a thin fabric that is not too textured or blind. For the mattress, the use of springbed better than the mattress of cotton, because cotton mattresses are often issued fragments derived from cotton, which can trigger asthma attacks.
Avoid putting too much furniture in the bedroom, such as cabinets and tables, especially furniture that has a hole. If the furniture is rarely cleaned, the cracks and holes in the furniture would be a "buildup" of dust. Because the dust is a recurrence of asthma triggers, avoid exposure to dust in the bedroom. If you have children, provide a special room to play. Keep the kids playing in the bedroom, if the bedroom is used for play activities, it could potentially result in dirt or dust.
Finally, clean the bedroom on a regular basis. If you use air conditioning in the bedrooms, clean the condenser on a regular basis, at least once in the week. Cleanliness of the bed, sofa, and curtains should you pay attention. Cleanliness of the bedroom is really important to minimize the dust heap. The bedroom is clean to minimize the recurrence of asthma for the residents.
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