Designing a child's room requires a different approach than the regular rooms. Starting from the idea of design, materials selection, and placement of furniture. Moreover, if a child aged under five. In this phase, a child's curiosity began to grow, and this can harm the child if the parent is negligent in supervising the child. Therefore, when designing a toddler room, in addition to convenience, safety of children should be a major concern.
In order for your toddler rooms comfortable and safe, the following things you can do,
If you are using a bed with legs high, provide the security on each side of the bed so that children do not fall during sleep. Common in children, play activities are sometimes carried away in his sleep. If you use a short bed, place a thick rug under the bed, its purpose, if your toddler fall, not directly on a hard floor.
If in the toddler room are furnished with sharp corners, attach a "cushion corner" on any sharp edges, safe for children if bumped. Avoid furniture with material from the glass (because it is easily broken), or iron is easily rusted.
Close the electrical socket with a cover that is not easily opened or moved. Avoid electrical cables strewn across the floor, keep all electrical cords embedded in the wall. If you are forced to make new electrical connections that can not be planted on the wall, use the security cable to avoid the risk of peeling off the cable.
The security fences
Attach a safety fence if your child is able to run and play around. In addition to the safety barriers, the fence also serves to prevent your child entering a dangerous area in your home, such as kitchens or swimming pools. Do not let the door is always open. Open door will provoke children to try to open it or play it, is at risk your toddler's hand was injured. If it must be opened, use a door stop or secure the door to maintain the position of the door to remain silent.
Containers toys
Provides a place to store toys in your children's room, in addition to storing toys, as well as to ensure the safety of your children while playing. When playing, make sure that small objects are not strewn across the floor. Because if you are less then careful, small objects were taken and eaten by your children.
Designing a child's room requires a different approach than the regular rooms. Starting from the idea of design, materials selection, and placement of ..
Modern Furniture
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